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Handover Bodies in a Feminist Frame: Two Hong Kong Women Filmmakers' Perspectives on Sex after 1997​



Author: Gina Marchetti 


Title: Handover Bodies in a Feminist Frame: Two Hong Kong Women Filmmakers' Perspectives on Sex after 1997


Publication venue: Article, published in Screen Bodies 


Date: 2017



Hong Kong women have been taking up the camera to explore the changing nature of their identity. Linking the depiction of the gendered body with the demand for women’s rights as sexual citizens, several directors have examined changing attitudes toward women’s sexuality. Yau Ching, for example, interrogates the issues of sex work, the internet, and lesbian desire in Ho Yuk: Let’s Love Hong Kong (2002). Barbara Wong’s documentary, Women’s Private Parts (2001), however, uses the televisual talking head interview and observational camera to highlight the way women view their bodies within contemporary Chinese culture. By examining the common ground shared by these very different films, a vision of women’s sexuality emerges that highlights Hong Kong women’s struggle for full sexual citizenship.



Read the full article here: 

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